

DECEMBER 19, 2019

According to the textbook, the academic of habits of mindset discussed are being engaged, curious, open to new ideas, flexible, creative, persistent, reflective and lastly responsible. Some of them I have that I use in my life daily basis. I can say, I am excel at being open minded, responsible, curious and flexible. As I am getting older, I am becoming more easygoing with my surroundings. For example, Anybody who I know or not know, if they approach me with enough respect, I can talk to them for hours without being judgmental. I am responsible for things that belong to me but sometimes mistake happens. Like maintaining time, class, family duty etc. Sometimes I become very curious on something if I find it really interesting or new. But shyness makes a barrier sometimes to engage in new place with new people. I would say this one is harder for me. Also on assignment, not often but sometimes I mass up by procrastinating. I am trying to overcome it. Usually it happens when I don’t find the work interesting to me. But when I see I don’t have any option, then I just try my level best to do it.

when I come to class unprepared, I feel bored and lose my interest in the class. However when I come to class as prepared, i get so much peaceful inner feelings that boost my whole day. I become confident for the next class and its work . Also that gives me motivation to finish the work on time . When it comes to school work, I just try to be more responsible and flexible for my work that I have to do and always try level best to give a good finishing.

I find encouraging when people appreciate me for my work or even if its done perfectly or not. Specially when it comes from parents that is very special and helps me to keep myself in a good shape. That gives more energy to do better than previous one. I would give tips to my younger people that explore the world and try not to be shy because its a big issue now a days and work for your surroundings.

In our society, using proper language to express out thoughts, scenarios, and opinions is very important and impactful. In Rebecca Solnit’s essay, it says that “Language can erase, distort, point in the wrong direction, throw out decoys and distractions. It can bury the bodies or uncover them”. (Solnit 3) It means, give a misleading or false impression of things that we witness can destroy our surroundings or society. It can make things irrelevant, bring harms to ones life. And that’s happening a lot. Its all about expressing something with a wrong idea in our thoughts . One of the examples is when she says white kids are “hanging out” but the black kids are “loitering or lurking “.(Solnit 3). This clearly shows that how powerful language is. It can turn normal things to chaotic such as racial discrimination etc.

Overall, she tried to explain that we need to use language properly, precisely and carefully to make our life meaningful and less chaotic. It can bring trust, unity among the people by just using language properly and carefully. It has the power to create the situation worse to better or better to worse.

In Nicholas Carr’s essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” He shows How intellectual technologies have changed the way that humans process information. Humans brains is replaced by technology almost. I believe that we depend on technology way too much, which makes our brain idle and affects our critical thinking immensely in a negative way. We are loosing our patience and less focused on specific task that we do because we know that we have google. We can easily get the information that we need in a second. This hampers our deep reading with concentration. Like as Carr.s mentioned he can no longer concentrate on long reading easily. So that we can say, We are becoming shallow thinker rather than going deep.Carr’s also demonstrates how google or internet is just making us not to learn anything ourselves because we have the internet to do that for us. Overall I would say, technology could ruin our potential ability of critical thinking that we have in our life .

  • Unspun

In reading the excerpt of Unspun by Jackson and Jamieson, I learner how to evaluate information and what not to do while evaluating. There are several lessons, one of them is “Don’t confuse anecdotes with data”. So Anecdotes are stories based on real incident or person. It is not enough evidence to support the claim. Like our own life experience is not necessarily very good evidence. Its not always credible. As we can see in the second lesson “Blind men and the elephant”that each person can have different opinions on the same exact thing. So anecdotal evidence can mislead us in the bigger picture. Another lesson from this reading is “Not all studies are equal”. Which means that before taking the information as solid, we need to know some background information about the information. We should not believe the evidence directly just because it came from some re-known source. We need to ask some questions on it. It connects with the next lesson which is saying it does not make it so. If we get the information from source, it could be wrong or false. Sometimes it could be biased which is not acceptable most of the time. It needs to be justified by our open mind. Overall, in this reading, It shows how to evaluate evidence, information and we should follow some rules before evaluating information

  • How my approach of writing has changed over the semester

My approach to writing has changed this semester because I used to submit my first draft as a final essay without any revision. There was no pre-writing or outline for the essay. Whatever comes to mind, I used to put it. However in this semester, I learned  how to organize before I write anything. Because I am not that good at keeping the flow when I write an essay. So I started taking notes for every paragraph that I will write.. That helped me a lot to organize the writing. Another thing that I learned is choosing reliable source and citing the source properly. Which I was not aware about that much. For me the biggest takeaway from this course is if you want to be a good writer , you have to keep on practicing, nobody is perfect. It gets better gradually.